Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekly Analysis 2

In the article titled “Is it Time to Ditch the Laptop for a Smartphone?” the author compares three different phones to see which performed the best. The three phones were the Palm Pre from Sprint, the Apple iPhone, and the G-1 from T-Mobile. The author decided to go one week without his laptop and tried to do everything from the phones.

Each of the phones offered internet and e-mail capabilities, they had other similar capabilities, some outperformed better than others. For example, with each phone you could get software which would allow you to view or work on files. The Palm Pre only allows you to view documents and not make any changes. With the iPhone you are allowed to view and edit the documents in Word only. This was a tedious task due to the fact the on-screen touch pad was small. Now with the G-1, you could edit and view documents in Word and Excel. The G-1 offers a larger keypad which makes it easier to edit documents but still does not pass for an everyday computer (Quain, 2009).

While it seems like a good idea to be able to connect to the internet and work on files from your cell phone, the question is, do people really need that option? Most people pay for internet service at home. If traveling, most places offer internet service. So why pay extra to have those features on your phone. It just makes it all the more dangerous while driving. It’s bad enough to see people talking on the phone and sending text messages as they drive. We really don’t need the option to be surfing the web or writing reports. I believe technology is a good thing if it’s used properly. However, people tend to think that every time something new comes to market, they need to have it. That new is always better. I tend to see things differently. If it’s not broken, don’t try to fix it.

Quain, John (June 30, 2009). Is It Time to Ditch the Laptop for a Smartphone? Retrieved June 30, 2009, from FoxNew: Scitech Website:,2933,529522,00.html

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