Friday, July 31, 2009

Assignment 5-1

As I’ve said before, I don’t watch much television. There was a time when I did, but when reality TV became so popular, I quit watching as much. I would rather watch a 30 minute sitcom than watch most reality shows. However, I do have one station I watch most nights. It’s at night because when I go to bed, I usually turn the TV on this channel, set the timer for an hour, and am usually asleep before it turns off. This channel is HGTV. I like to watch Property Virgins, House Hunters, and, on occasion, I get to watch one of the decorating shows.

The show, Property Virgins, help people find and purchase their first home. The people on the show have never bought a house before and usually do not know how the process works. The people usually have a list of wants and don’t wants for their home. During this process they learn that you don’t always get what you want. And sometimes, the people usually have an unrealistic view of what a house costs. The host will show them about three houses. Sometimes it’s what they want and sometimes, it’s not. If the people don’t like the house, it’s usually for something that easily changed, such as painting the walls or getting new flooring. It’s just a big learning process for the people and can be helpful even to people who aren’t property virgins.

The other I like to watch is House Hunters. These aren’t property virgins. It’s usually somebody relocating to a different city or state. They are shown three different houses and sometimes the house is just what they are looking for and sometimes not. I like to watch this show and try to guess which house they will choose. I also like to watch this show because I can pick up decorating ideas and I get dream about what kind of house I would like to own one day.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Weekly Analysis 4

Thomas Kinkade was born in Placerville, California. He started drawing during his childhood. As of today, he is known as America’s most collected living artist and is also known as “the Painter of Light.” During his career, he has won numerous awards for his art including the 1995 Lithograph of the Year Award and 1995 Artist of the Year from the National Association of Limited Edition Dealers (NALED). He is married to his wife, Nanette, and they have four daughters. In his work, he hides the letter “N” as a way of paying tribute to his wife and will, on occasion, include his daughters’ names in some of his works (Kinkade).

Kinkade has become my favorite artist. I could sit in an art gallery for hours just looking at his work. All of his pictures have a story behind them. His paintings bring peace and warmth to the mind. He instills family values and nature into his work. Since he is a devoted Christian, he includes the faith of God in all he does. Not only does he paint pictures, he writes books, designs jewelry, and has made a movie.

I own a couple of prints, several books, a jewelry box, and Christmas decorations. Recently, I was fortunate enough to purchase my first canvas painting. I love it!! I walk into my living room just to look at it. It is called The Christmas Cottage. Yes, even though it is a Christmas print, it will be hanging in my living room year around. It is the house that Thomas grew up in. It was also featured in his movie. The movie is about how his Mother is about to lose their house in foreclosure. Thom’s mentor, who lives next door, offers him a job painting a mural. From there, Thom becomes known as “the Painter of Light.” He also helps his hometown rediscover the spirit of Christmas.

Kinkade, Thomas. Detailed Biography of Artist Thomas Kinkade. Retrieved: July 19, 2009 from

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Journal Article Analysis

For the Love of Joe: The Language of Starbucks

Coffee…hmmm. What do you think of when you think of coffee? The aroma? The rich, smooth taste? How do you like your coffee? I’ve got to have it first thing in the morning. I don’t like it black. I’ve got to have a packet of Splenda and a shot of flavored creamer. Vanilla Carmel is my favorite. I get upset and cranky when I don’t have it. Does that mean I am addicted to caffeine? Probably, but if that’s my only vise, then so be it. I want my coffee.

There are many different kinds of coffees. Some are Taster’s Choice, Maxwell House, Folgers, Starbucks, and Carribeau Coffee just to name a few. I will admit that I am picky about the coffee I drink. Some of the brands mentioned above, I have tried but will not drink. To me, the flavor is just too bitter.

Starbucks. That’s all a person has to say. They are everywhere; on every corner almost like McDonald’s. A majority of people love going to Starbucks for their Cup of Joe. But, why is that? What makes Starbucks so special?

In the article For the Love of Joe: The Language of Starbucks, Constance Ruzich talks about how the coffee industry influences people. Coffee happens to be one of the most valuable trading commodities in the world. Starbucks opened its doors in 1971 and, at the beginning of 2004, had over 7,500 stores in 28 countries. They have drawn a lot of attention and have changed they way people view coffee even though it still lags behind Dunkin’ Donuts is specialty coffee.

Ruzich talks about the “language” Starbucks uses to draw people into their cafes. Even though Starbucks does little advertising, when you walk into a cafe, their in-store advertising is very creative. Their menu displays the different specialty drinks, different types of coffees and teas. Then they usually have some sort of sign displaying an employee favorite in an attempt to lure the customer to try it. There are usually advertising brochures strategically placed throughout the café. Another type of language would be the aromas from the coffee, the music being played, the color scheme in the cafes, and even the furniture. It all plays a part in making people feel relaxed and at ease while enjoying their coffee. We all know that when we are relaxed, everything seems much better. Is this just another advertising gimmick to get people back into the cafes?

Starbucks has tried to appeal to the language of love. On their website, they have put a questionnaire asking what characteristics and flavors a person likes in their coffee. It is much like an on-line dating service. In the store, the menu is much like a personal ad seeking love. All a person needs to do is pick their ideal mate. Starbucks want to make people feel like they belong to something special. They want to give a feeling that their cafes are like sanctuaries where people can go to relax between the stresses of work and home (Ruzich).

While Starbucks is continuing to expand nationally, they want to keep the image as a small friendly café. They do not want to be thought of as a commercial coffee house. They want their customers to feel a sense of belonging, be comfortable and relaxed. They like the image they have portrayed so far and feel this is one reason they have been able to grow successfully. However, will they be able to uphold their image of a small friendly café disappear if they continue to grow? We shall see how they hold up in the years to come.

Ruzich, Constance (2008). For the Love of Joe: The Language of Starbucks. The Journal of Popular Culture, 41(3), 428-442. Retrieved from the OhioLINK database.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Weekly Analysis 3

I have to admit that I don’t watch much television and when I do, it’s usually something that I’ve recorded. There are a few shows that I do watch: Army Wives, House Hunters, and The Biggest Loser. However, I will admit that I am guilty on occasion of watching Jon & Kate Plus 8. I’ve not followed it closely but once in a while when I can’t find anything else to watch, I’ve been known to tune in.

I have to say that I’m not fans of either Jon or Kate. To me, Kate seems like a very controlling person. It’s her way or no way. Jon, on the other hand, seems a little wimpy. Maybe he’s afraid of Kate. So, one has to wonder why these two ever got together in the first place.

When the show first started, it was about a family trying to survive with eight kids. The house they lived in was too small for that many people. Each episode was about a particular subject they had to deal with whether it was the kids being sick, trying to keep up with the laundry, or fixing dinner. As time went, I believe the show has lost its focus. I believe Jon and Kate are in it more for the money than anything else. I also believe that Kate, more so than Jon, enjoys being in the spotlight.

As of lately Jon has been seen out with another woman and Kate has filed for divorce. The show has been put on hold until things settle down a bit. So, people may be wondering, what is going to happen to the show? However, the more important question should be how are the kids handling all the stresses from being on television at such a young age and how are they handling their parents splitting up? We know divorce is not easy for anyone but it’s especially hard of children. I would almost bet these children will end up with psychological problems before long, if it hasn’t already happened.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekly Analysis 2

In the article titled “Is it Time to Ditch the Laptop for a Smartphone?” the author compares three different phones to see which performed the best. The three phones were the Palm Pre from Sprint, the Apple iPhone, and the G-1 from T-Mobile. The author decided to go one week without his laptop and tried to do everything from the phones.

Each of the phones offered internet and e-mail capabilities, they had other similar capabilities, some outperformed better than others. For example, with each phone you could get software which would allow you to view or work on files. The Palm Pre only allows you to view documents and not make any changes. With the iPhone you are allowed to view and edit the documents in Word only. This was a tedious task due to the fact the on-screen touch pad was small. Now with the G-1, you could edit and view documents in Word and Excel. The G-1 offers a larger keypad which makes it easier to edit documents but still does not pass for an everyday computer (Quain, 2009).

While it seems like a good idea to be able to connect to the internet and work on files from your cell phone, the question is, do people really need that option? Most people pay for internet service at home. If traveling, most places offer internet service. So why pay extra to have those features on your phone. It just makes it all the more dangerous while driving. It’s bad enough to see people talking on the phone and sending text messages as they drive. We really don’t need the option to be surfing the web or writing reports. I believe technology is a good thing if it’s used properly. However, people tend to think that every time something new comes to market, they need to have it. That new is always better. I tend to see things differently. If it’s not broken, don’t try to fix it.

Quain, John (June 30, 2009). Is It Time to Ditch the Laptop for a Smartphone? Retrieved June 30, 2009, from FoxNew: Scitech Website:,2933,529522,00.html

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Icon Analysis

When thinking about icons, there are many that come to mind. We have musicians, actors/actresses, cartoon characters just to name a few. Growing up, we had limited television channels because we lived way out in the country. The cable company would not come out that far because there weren’t enough houses per square mile and there were no satellite dishes. However, I was able to watch the Mickey Mouse cartoons, Charlie Angels and Happy Days.

I have always had a thing for the cute little mouse. I’m not sure why, maybe it was the way he felt about his one true love, Minnie and my hopes of always finding someone who loved me the same way. I like watching the old cartoons now because it makes me feel like a kid again. Another show I watched was “Happy Days.” I always got home from school just as it was coming on. The character, the Fonz, was the so called rebel on the show, but never meant any harm. Other characters on the show considered him “cool” maybe because he rode a motorcycle and he could always get a girl by the snap of his fingers. Then came the series Charlie Angels. This show consisted of three women who could solve any crime and win any and all fights they got into. One of the characters was played by Farrah Fawcett. She paved the way for the “feathered” hairstyle and bright white teeth. She quit after one season but went on to pursue other acting options. One of the things she is most remembered by is a poster of her in a red swim suit.

Things have changed over the years. I was able to watch a Mickey Mouse cartoon not too long ago and, to tell the truth, it just wasn’t the same as when I was a child. I was a little disappointed. Every so often, if you are lucky, you can catch Happy Days on TV Land. Yes, I will admit that I am guilty of doing so. These shows are still as good today as they were years ago. Sadly, Farrah has recently passed away from cancer but her poster will live on.